types of vata - properties of vata - due to increase - lifestyle changes - the treatment

types of vata - properties of vata - due to increase - lifestyle changes - the treatment

What is a Vata body type?

What are Vata characteristics?

What are Vata diseases?

What is kapha vata and pitta?


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types of vata


Vata is divided into five hemps on the basis of their places of residence and different functions in the body.

 1. Life

 2. Udana


 4. Wynn

 5. Apana


According to Ayurveda, the number of diseases caused by the outbreak of Vata alone is close to 80.

properties of vata


Dryness, coolness, small, subtle, flabbiness, devoid of stickiness and roughness are the qualities of Vata.  Dryness is a natural characteristic of Vata.  When Vata is in a balanced state you cannot feel its qualities.  But as soon as Vata increases or becomes imbalanced, you will start seeing the symptoms of these qualities.

due to increase


When Ayurvedic doctors tell you that your Vata is aggravated, you do not understand why this has happened?  Actually, due to our food, nature and habits, Vata gets disturbed.  Following are the main causes of aggravation of Vata.  • Holding stool or sneezing

 • Holding urine or sneezing
 • Eating something else and overeating before the food eaten has been digested
 • Waking up late at night, speaking louder, working harder than one's capacity
 • Strong jerks in the vehicle while traveling
 • Excessive consumption of pungent and bitter things
 • Eating a lot of dry fruits is always worried or in mental trouble
 • Eating more cold things
 • fasting

Vata dosha gets aggravated due to all these reasons mentioned above.  In the rainy season and in old people, Vata gets aggravated even without these reasons.

symptoms of aggravation of vata


When Vata increases, all kinds of symptoms are seen in the body.  Let us have a look at some of the main features of them.

  • Stiffness and stiffness in limbs
  • needle prick pain
  • looseness of bone joints
  • bone fractures and fractures
  • Feeling of weakness in the limbs and tremors in the limbs
  • Cold and numbness of the limbs
  • Constipation
  • discoloration of nails, teeth and skin
  • bitter taste in mouth


If you see 2-3 or more of the above-mentioned symptoms, then it indicates that the Vata dosha has increased in your body.  In this case, go to the nearest doctor and get your treatment done.  To pacify or balance Vata, you need to make changes in your diet and lifestyle.  You have to remove the reasons due to which Vata is increasing.  People with Vata nature should take special care of their diet as the wrong food immediately aggravates Vata.Changes made in the diet show immediate effect.

what to eat to balance vata

  1. Consume things containing ghee, oil and fat.
  2. Eat things made from wheat, sesame, ginger, garlic and jaggery.
  3. Eat salted buttermilk, butter, fresh paneer, boiled cow's milk.
  4. Eat dry fruits fried in ghee or eat almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds soaked in water.
  5. Eat vegetables like cucumber, carrot, beet, spinach, sweet potato etc regularly.
  6. Eat moong dal, rajma, soya milk.

what people with vata prakriti should not eat

If you are of Vata nature then avoid the following things.
Avoid consumption of whole grains such as millet, barley, corn, brown rice etc.Avoid any kind of cabbage like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc.

Do not drink cold beverages such as cold coffee, black tea, green tea, fruit juices etc. during winters.  Do not eat pears, raw bananas etc.

lifestyle changes

People whose Vata is often imbalanced should bring these changes in their lifestyle.

  •  Make a fixed routine and follow it.
  •  Take a walk in the sun for some time every day and take rest.
  •  Meditate daily by going to a quiet place.
  •  Take a bath with warm water and a decoction of medicines that reduce Vata.
  •  Put the decoction prepared from the medicines in the tub and sit in it for some time.
  •  Massage regularly with lukewarm oil, use sesame oil, almond oil and olive oil for massage.
  •  Make sure to include strengthening exercises in your daily routine.

Symptoms and treatment of Vata deficiency

Like the increase in Vata, the decrease in Vata is also a problem and due to this also many problems start occurring.  Let us first know about the major symptoms of Vata deficiency.

Symptoms of Vata Deficiency

  1. difficulty speaking
  2. Looseness in limbs, loss of thinking ability and memory
  3. decrease in the natural functions of vata
  4. Digestive weakness Nausea

the treatment

If there is a deficiency of Vata, diet that increases Vata should be taken.  Drink bitter, pungent, light and cold beverages.  Vata increases quickly by consuming them.  Apart from this, the deficiency of Vata can be overcome by eating those things which are forbidden when Vata increases


What is a Vata body type?

What are Vata characteristics?

What are Vata diseases?

What is kapha vata and pitta

vata dosha symptoms
vata body type
vata dosha
types of vata dosha shloka
pitta body type
vata, pitta kapha characteristics
vata types easy ayurveda
kapha dosha symptoms

types of vata in ayurveda
types of vata pitta kapha
types of vata roga
types of vata vyadhi
types of vata diseases
types of vata easy ayurveda
80 types of vata diseases
different types of vata dosha
5 types of vata dosha
5 types of vata
how many types of vata
types of vatana
types of vatarakta


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